How much work does it take to get 'used to' these things? Very little - in fact, we kind of fall into these habits.
Yet how easy is it to get used to good habits? Growing in our walk with the Lord, reading our Bibles, prayer, loving our neighbors, helping those in need? Why don't we 'fall' into these habits?
The things we get used to easily shows us the things that we value in life. When we value comfort, convenience, and pleasure it is easy to fall into bad habits. When we value growth, godliness, and spiritual things, it will be easy to fall into good habits.
Often we may struggle to conform our actions to what we desire them to be, but if we conform our hearts to value those things that God values, we will find it easy to follow through with proper actions. I must confess that I often fall short in this area, but as the blog says: "Moving on up" - I hope these thoughts help you (and me) to move on up today.
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.- Luke 6:45
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