Monday, September 9, 2019

Canning and Freezing 2019

Just a record of our canning and freezing for 2019 and
notes on what produce we bought from the auction and when.
We will add to it as we add to our storage shelves and freezer.

Tomatoes - 152 Quarts (9/9-10/3)
Spaghetti Sauce -  128 Quarts (9/12-9/16)
Tomato Juice - 28 Quarts (10/3)

10 Bushel canner tomatoes - $60 (9/6) (Not all for me)
7 Bushel Romas - $42 (9/10) (Not all for me)
3 Bushel Romas - $24
2 1/2 Bushel Romas - $25
100 lbs potatoes - $6
1 Bushel Sweet Italian Peppers - $12
28 Cabbages - $7
1 Bushel small pickles - $13
1 Bushel medium zucchini - $3
5 Bushel #2 canner Romas - $20 (9/13) (Not all for me)
1 Bushel Romas - $5
2 bushel of canners, 1/2 bushel #2 romas - $10 (9/17)
22 Medium Pumpkins - $77
5 -1/2 bushel green beans - $25
16 bushel of Romas - $48 ($1.50 a half bushel)  (9/24)

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